The Dumbo Arts Center (DAC) is presenting the 12th Annual Dumbo Art Under the Bridge Festival ™
NYC’s big FREE urban forum for experimental art.
60+ new artworks in public space, neighborhood-wide open studios and non-stop new video art at video_dumbo.
September 26 - 28, 2008
Over the festival weekend, art will be happening everywhere in Dumbo: streets, sidewalks, storefronts, elevators, lobbies, the water, the waterfront, parks, nooks, crannnies, on the NY Water Taxi, and more. Along with the 65+ new public art projects, over 100 local artists will open their studios to the public and at the new Galapagos Art Space, video_dumbo will feature a non-stop program of cutting edge video art from NYC and around the world.
Opening night on Friday, September 26 will include the following events:
- POLITAOKE: Hop on board the NY Water Taxi for FREE (every 30 minutes between 7 and 9 pm) at the Fulton Ferry Landing to participate in Diana Arce’s Politaoke (www.politaoke.com) - POLITcal speeches as karAOKE), where you too can deliver the great rhetoric of today’s most important politicians.
- HACK THE DEBATE - 3D!: Galapagos Art Space, 16 Main Street: video_dumbo presents Current TV’s “Hack the Debate,” an interactive broadcast of the first presidential debate. For visual enhancement, video_dumbo will transform the Broadcast into 3D! “Hack the Debate” will, for the very first time, integrate real-time Twitter messages (aka “tweets”) over major portions of a live television broadcast. As Twitter users tweet throughout the course of the live broadcasts, Current and Twitter will collect comments regarding the debate and layer the individual messages over the debate feed.
In addition, the debate will appear in three-dimensional space, based on a new polarized filter technique called Chroma-depth®. Ironically, this stereoscopic system is based on the colors RED and BLUE. Each object displayed in those colors will create the illusion of either protrude out of the screen, or retract behind the screen - creating a true stage for this political theater. More at videodumbo.org/opening-night.html, current.com/debate, twitter.com/current.
- US premiere of The Snow White Project by Catherine Baÿ might be: check out the live performance at 111 Front Street, Room 202, (fiaf.org) from 7 - 9 pm.
More details at: dumboartfestival.org