Last night I finished reading Escape by Carolyn Jessop, one of the most bizarre memoirs I've come across. A recent review notes, "Seventeen years after being forced into a polygamous marriage, Jessop escaped from the cultlike Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints with her eight children. She recounts the horrid events that led her to break free from the oppressive world she knew and how she has managed to survive since escaping, despite threats and legal battles with her husband and the Church. Though sometimes her retelling overflows with colorful foreshadowing and commentary on how exceptional she is, the everyday details she reveals about this polygamous society are devastating and tragic."
The latest issue of The New York Times Magazine has an article about The Children of God, discusses the world of the F.L.D.S., a radical sect of the Mormons.
Stephanie Sinclair of the VI Network took the pictures and I posted some of my favourites. You can also see them all in this slide show.