Over at WhatsTheJackanory, Andrew has an interview with Brenda Mills, photo editor at Men's Health magazine, for her take on the APE promo slideshow.
Some excerpts:
"WTJ: What do you think about the APE promo slideshow / idea ?
BM: I think that it is a great resource for photo editors, yeah... as Rob says, it is a nice SUPPLEMENT to the other ways we PE's find photographers--nice way to find more people and remind ourselves who we've always liked.
As for slideshow itself-there's one big weakness (besides tiny thumbnails which I mention later): The photogs who are deep in the slideshow are at a definite disadvantage because those who will get the most exposure/seen the most are the ones with images towards the beginning. I'm sure it's something Rob has thought of and will rectify/fix in slideshows to come.
*I'd very much like to know how Rob decided to put these images in order because there are some very established photog's right up front-not having had time to look at all 297 images yet, I wonder if that continues throughout ?...don't recall seeing that info in his text/blog. random ? by preference ??
*I really like that Rob doesn't list the names of photogs upfront (at first I thought that would be dreadful, but I was soon won over!)---makes you actually look at the darn image without reading the name and therefore reading your own preconceived notions about the photographer into what you are seeing--good move, Mr. Haggart."
"WTJ: So you didn't look at all 297 photographers images ?
BM: Not yet and THAT is exactly the problem. While I PLAN to go back and look lots more, with the way a photo editor's day works---lots and lots of crises and interruptions of all sorts throughout--once you stop looking, you don't know when or even if you'll have time/focus to go back. I DO PLAN to go back.
I think I got through 35 or 40--it takes quite a bit of time, actually, because I am seeing lots of pictures I like and then I check the name and then I go to the individual website if I don't know the photog. and then I take time on their website.
So ultimately it will be a very time-consuming yet extremely valuable tool.
WTJ: Were you surprised to see some big names in the mix ?
BM: A bit, yes. But I reckon that's a tribute to APE's appeal / influence / reach in photo community"